Stories from the road…
Angel Checking in from the Other Side
I grew up in Tiburon, California, a small town on the San Francisco Bay on...
A Story of Another Angel
ANGEL IN MY CRISIS Rada “Kevin, would you consider yourself a savvy train traveler?” I...
A Story of an Angel
ANGEL BY MY SIDE Mary I have my talents and passions, and consider myself resourceful...
Twelve Firsts ~ Part 3: In the Midst of a Melting Pot
I welcome you back to rejoin me for Part 3 in my series of ‘Twelve...
Twelve First’s ~ Part 2: A New Month, Year, Decade Launches
I continue on with my rendition of ‘slice of life’ – where I was, how I...
Twelve Firsts ~ Part 1: Domestic Road Tripping
Come take a glimpse through my personal lens as I spotlight a ‘slice of life’ rendition...
The Circle and the Digression
The circle closed at 7:25pm this past Friday, after a 9 hour drive where I...